Weekly Astro Spotlight: XXXtentacion – A Troubled Rebel

Astro Spotlight Guest for the Week of June 18th, 2018: XXXtentacion

Image result for xxxtentacion bio

Astrological Profile Overview

  • Sun: Aquarius
  • Moon: Sagittarius
  • Ascendant: Scorpio

Rapper XXXtentacion  was born on January 23rd, 1998 to two Jamaican parents in Plantation, Florida. The Florida based artist grew in popularity as his Gothic style trap rap connected with youth who resonated with feeling outcast-ed by their communities. While serving time in jail, X exploded onto the scene after publicly accusing Drake of stealing his music. As the scandal gained momentum, he released his first album “17.” His fame quickly multiplied. In his music, X openly spoke about death, suicide, and his battle with bi-polar ism.  Chaos and scandal seemed to follow him as his career progressed-making his public image a controversial one. However, the young rapper was also not a stranger to humanitarianism, charity, and using his music to reflect controversial issues. Towards the end of his life, he seemed to have undergone a shift in consciousness as his peers and fans alike took notice to his increasingly positive persona. Unfortunately, X’s life was cut short as he was gunned down in Miami, Florida on June 18, 2018. Although I cannot say I listened to a lot of his music, I found something about his untimely death deeply disturbing. It was clear that X was no angel and absolutely battling certain demons of his own, but it was also clear that he possessed the potential to teach; As genius cannot exist without madness.

X was born with his sun in the sign of Aquarius and his moon in Sagittarius. This combination of fire and air makes for a highly intelligent individual who views the world in an unorthodox way and attaches themselves to expressing those particular views. These people are rebels and deep thinkers. Aquarius (ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus) makes the native insightful and gifted with the ability to see the world as they feel it should be. Aquarius sun/Sag moons are incredibly imaginative and have an appreciation for both the usual and unusual. X reflected these traits especially as his entire career was built off of voicing the experiences of those who were on the fray of mainstream society.  (Misfits, those with mental health issues, etc.) Sagittarius moon (ruled by the planet Jupiter) creates the need to want to understand, experience, and teach. Much like their fellow Aquarian people with this placement often come across to others as “odd” or “eccentric.” For X, this manifested in his striking appearance. With gray hair, shaved eyebrows, and covered in tattoos, many were taken aback by the rapper’s aesthetic. 

Image result for xxxtentacion bio

This combination of Aquarian and Sagittarius energy also creates an extremely charismatic and rebellious individual. X’s sun was also sextile to his moon, which gives one a heightened sense of purpose. X’s fan base grew exponentially due to his revolutionary spirit and uncanny ability to connect to other members of his generation. X’s rebelliousness is heightened as his Sun is conjunct to his Uranus-making him someone who finds comfort in expressing their individuality. These people have been known to be ” rebels without a cause” and sometimes engage in particular behavior for mere shock value. This aspect between Uranus and the Sun gives the individual a strong and distinct personality, as well as many friends. X was no exception to this. His Sun is also conjunct to his Neptune. The planet Neptune (the sign of musicians) governs fantasy and illusion-which made X a highly creative individual and gave him the ability to express his emotions through art. As a result, those with this aspect are also highly acceptable to addictions and substance abuse.

X’s intensity can also be explained by his Scorpio ascendant. Natives with this placement are prone to having emotionally changing lives. His chart rulers being Mars and Pluto indicate that he had a karmic duty to experience many situations that would either destroy or transform him. With ascendant representing one’s public perception, it is clear that that X projected very Scorpion like qualities. Scorpio is the ruler of death (both physically and metaphorically) as well as the unseen, and transformation. This manifested as X’s dedication to transforming the way people thought about mental illness, suicide, and other dark concepts that lie beneath the surface of the collective human psyche.

Mercury in Capricorn: These individuals are very methodical and goal oriented in the way they communicate. Placing the communicative planet in earthy Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) creates an individual who is a deep thinker. (Which seems to be a reoccurring theme in X’s chart.) However, Capricorn is one of the signs in the zodiac most prone towards depression. Therefore, if not aspect-ed by softer planets, a native with this placement can often come across as pessimistic or cold. This can be correlated with X’s everlasting gravitational focus towards depression, suicide, and negativity. (The darker things in life.)

Venus in Capricorn: When the planet of love and beauty meets an earth sign such as Capricorn, this creates an individual who is very enduring and practical in love and relationships. However X’s Venus is afflicted as it is squared by his Saturn. The planet Saturn governs restrictions, pain, and hardships. This could indicate that X had an extremely hard time expressing emotional vulnerability with women. These issues could have started with his mother. This is consistent with X’s upbringing as he publicly mentioned to being raised primarily by his grandparents. This aspect is also particularly telling as the rapper was recently charged with torturing and abusing his then pregnant girlfriend. Venus afflicted by Saturn’s chokehold indicates someone who endures a lot of pain with women. X’s Venus is also in conjunct to his Neptune-creating an individual with an unstable professional life, which can also be identified in X’s life as he was no stranger to the highs and lows in his career.

Mars in Aquarius: These people are rebels who are driven by their own unconventional pursuits. They view the world in their own particular way and can become easily frustrated when they feel restricted. Placing a magical planet like Mars in a mutable sign like Aquarius creates an open minded individual. Thus further explaining X’s ability to connect with others who have been deemed to the underbelly of society. However, with X’s Moon squaring his Mars could indicate that his overly emotional nature drove him to act impulsively-sometimes violently. Mars in Aquarius seeks to take charge and a strong disdain for authority and the status quo. This was reflected in X’s outspoken disdain for mainstream rap industry. He seemed to be at a constant clash with his older peers in Hip Hop. With his Mars in Aquarius, his passion was ignited by marching to the beat of his own drum.

 Jupiter in Aquarius: 

This is another sign placement of an ultimate rebel! (Another reoccurring theme in X’s chart.) Natives with Jupiter in Aquarius seek life experiences that are unorthodox or different to others. Given that Aquarius is also a philanthropic sign, these individuals like to take on causes in which they are able to speak for the underdogs of society. Thus explaining why X engaged in a great deal of charity. X’s Jupiter squares his Moon. This indicates someone who is extremely popular. However, much like the ever changing phases of the Moon, this person can experience many fluctuations in the public perception…even falling from grace. An example of this was when X was recorded publicly knocked unconscious on stage last June. Since then, the rapper made countless headlines driven by abuse accusations and his controversial behavior.  This can also explain his disturbingly public death as well. This placement creates someone who goes from one extreme to another-with highly self destructive tendencies. 

Saturn in Aries: 

When the fiery Aries meets the cold and restrictive planet of Saturn, natives with this placement suffer from extreme self confidence issues. This placement also indicates that X may have also been plagued with anger issues. (This also being consistent with his music and domestic abuse allegations-indicating that there could have possibly been some truth to them.)  People with this placement are prone to taking on great responsibility early in life. This correlates to X’s ability to achieve so much success at such a young age.  X’s frustration with his own inner demons caused him to seek to understand himself and subsequently help others come to these same self realizations. X’s Aries trine his Sagittarian Pluto suggests that he found a sense of purpose in his unorthodox views. This aspect creates an individual who feels the undercurrent of their own fate. This can be connected to his infamous last rein which X almost foreshadowed his own death. 

“Worst thing comes to worse, I f***ing die a tragic death or some sh*t an I’m not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids received my message and were able to make something of themselves….I love you all. Do not let your depression make you…” -XXXtentacion

Pluto trine Saturn creates a powerful individual who knows how to leverage said power..for better or for worse.

Uranus in Aquarius:

X’s Uranus conjunct his Neptune gave him a distinct set of creative talents as well as  an unorthodox approach to spirituality and morals. People with this these aspects are naturally expressive and can effortlessly inspire others. This is evident is X’s massive increase in popularity through his messages. These people are also unrestricted and typically don’t confine themselves to societal norms, social structure, or religion.  X was no different as he expressed many of these free thinking qualities through his music. The 20 year old had a music catalog that transcended multiple genres and was very experimental with his sound. This aspect is also indicates psychic abilities-which can also be eerily translated into the rapper’s constant talk of being murdered-following his passing many fans were taken aback as they felt he foreshadowed his own death.  People with this placement have a distinct ability to tap into massive consciousness and an en-heightened sense of intuition-thus often being ahead if their time.

Neptune in Capricorn: 

Capricorn Neptunes are incredibly diligent and witty people. The earthy and practice Capricorn gives Neptune’s fantasies direction, making it easier to manifest them in this reality.

Pluto in Sagittarius: 

X’s natal Pluto falls under the exploitative sign of Sagittarius. This creates someone who is equipped with a naturally different understanding of their surroundings. This critical placement highlights the reason other generations found X’s music and personal agenda so hard to relate to. This could have also played a role in his clash with some of her older rap counterparts. X made a distinct decision to leverage his talents to communicate with HIS generational group, and did so unapologetically.

“People born during this time often butt heads with the Scorpios who came just before them because of their profound differences in worldview”-TrustedPsychicMediums.com

Pallas in Aquarius: 

Pallas is the astroid that represents what drives us.

Pallas-Athene represents a spark of the Warrior Goddess within you who defends your wisdom, creativity and fairness. It is the subtle qualities that allow you to fight for what you feel is just and fair within your life and it allows you to back your wisdom with a defense of strength, belief and fortitude. Pallas-Athene also lends a spark of courage and a glimmer of activism to your ability to believe in your knowledge, your talents and your intelligence. It also highlights talents, gifts and creative qualities that you possess.” -Astrologyclub.org

This sign placement supports the fact that X was born to be a revolutionary spirit as it creates an individual who runs to the aid of the underdog. Pallas in Aquarius is a natural born rebel who is more than likely gifted in the arts (as X was)

North Node Virgo/South Node Pisces:

In Astrology, the South node represents the karmic baggage we’ve brought with us from previous lifetimes. These are inclinations and tenancies that make us feel comfortable, but grow increasingly problematic to our well-being. The North node represents the direction in which one must travel to break that karmic cycle. Natives with a South Node in Pisces have the inclination to become lost in their emotions and prone to self destructive and addictive tenancies. These people are idealists by nature and can easily become discouraged if they aren’t sure as of how to put these ideals into this realm of reality. These habits are to be avoided in this lifetime. Virgo North nodes who accomplish this tend to make great teachers and healers.

Chiron in Scorpio:

Also known as the “wounded healer,” Chiron is an asteroid that represents our biggest traumas and insecurities. By healing these, they also offer monumental renewal and transformation. Individuals with Chiron in Scorpio more than likely have undergone great internal wounds while dealing with the darkest parts of reality. This could manifest as dark moods, paranoia, the tendency to become overly defensive and block out others, and even self destruction. X spoke frequently of death and the need to feel free from the material world. It is highly possible that despite some of his more positive contributions, X eventually succumbed to the very affliction of his Chiron.

Although short lived, X’s life was filled with anger,chaos, and despair.  However despite this, he still managed to positively impact those who loved and supported him. Thus managing to do what many people spend a full lifetime trying to…leaving a mark on history that can never be erased.

God’s speed. Love and light. Travel Well.

Author: Hood Astro

Just a young Astrologer with a touch of crazy and a whole lot of curiosity. The cosmos lead me here. 🌗

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